UX Case Study


Curiousapiens is a platform in the education technology industry that allows students to discover various career paths and professions.


Studio Mesmer

Frontend Development

Studio Mesmer

Problem Statement

In what ways can we gamify and make career exploration more playful, while also promoting students' awareness of the diverse range of career paths available to them?

Target Audience

Students aged 14-18

UX Researches

The project commenced with an analysis of competitors and their limitations. Upon examining all the competitors, it became apparent that they all had one common shortcoming – the lack of an exploratory element. Although these competitors provided information on numerous career paths and professions, they failed to assist children in exploring new and potential areas of interest.

The UX design addressed the shortcomings of others by making exploration the central concept of the platform’s user experience. Although there are flows for viewing information on a specific profession, the primary navigation is geared towards exploration.

Using Illustrations to
add life to the UI


Designing a user interface that is visually appealing to both children and adults, including parents of the children