UX Case Study


Collablens build real time automated QA systems that help operations executives unlock hidden supply chain costs and work more efficiently.


Rahul Budhiraja 


Studio Mesmer


Studio Mesmer

Problem Statement

Designing an interactive website which gives a good insight of our services with use of images and motion graphics.

Target Audience

Corporate & Business Owners

User Flows


UX Research

Use of Interactive Designs & Images to enhance user experience

Improving user experience can be challenging if users are unfamiliar with technical aspects of business. To address this, we utilized motion graphics and a lot of images which proved to be effective in helping users gain a better understanding of these services. Additionally, the use of motion graphics, images & interactive designs facilitated easier navigation throughout the website. The end result was an interface that was not only more engaging, but also more user-friendly, resulting in an overall more enjoyable user experience.


Mobile Web